Turnkey Depot Repair Program


Turnkey Depot Repair Program for New-York Based Global Fashion House


Our customer required a partner that could manage and execute a depot solution for over 75 different makes and models of customer owned equipment utilized in their 550 + retail locations across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.


Our team worked closely with the customer to develop a customized depot repair program that included project management, new hardware procurement, equipment repair, OEM warranty processing, and integration & staging services.


All equipment repairs, including board-level, are completed by our skilled team of repair technicians at our corporate HQ.  If the equipment is still under OEM warranty, TDX Tech manages the repair process for the customer.   TDX Tech employees utilize the capabilities of our proprietary web-based software solution, WebTrax, to track repair notes by serial number.  The WebTrax work orders provide our customer 24x7 access to repair notes, equipment inventory levels, and general shipment information; such as tracking numbers with hyperlinks to freight carriers (UPS, FedEx, etc.).


Upon initiation (via TDX Tech’s portal) of an equipment request by our customer, the required integration & staging services per unit of equipment is completed prior to shipping of the equipment.  After deployment and installation of the working units, the defective equipment is returned, refurbished, repaired (if necessary), and redeployed.  PCI compliant data destruction is performed on all returned hard drives and equipment that was not redeployed.


For more than a decade, our high-profile retail customer has known that they can rely on TDX Tech to depot repair their critical POS equipment and ensure next day delivery on equipment requests.

5 K
Locations Serviced
10 K+
Years of IT Support
We'd love to help you Do IT Smarter – reach out today to discuss your technology deployment projects or IT installation and hardware needs. Call us at 888-777-0532, or click the "Contact Us" button, below.
New-York Based Global Fashion House
Project Scope
Project Industry: Retail
Project Geography: USA, Canada, Puerto Rico
Project Location Qty: 501-1,000
Project Device/Unit Qty:1,001-5000
Project Competencies:

  • Project Management
  • Hardware Procurement
  • Integration & Staging
  • Hardware Deployment
  • IT Installation Services
  • On-site/Field Services
  • Depot Repair Services
  • Asset Disposition
  • Recent Retail IT Support
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