National Deployment and IMAC Services


National Deployment, IT Support, and Maintenance for an Arts and Crafts Retailer with 950+ Locations


Our customer required a partner that could manage, execute, and provide resolution reporting for on-site technician repair and IMAC (Install, Move, Add, Change) activities for each of their 950 + retail locations across the United States.


Our team worked closely with the customer to develop a customized depot repair program that included project management, new hardware procurement, equipment repair, OEM warranty processing, integration & staging services, as well as ongoing IT maintenance services.

Our customer opens a ticket using TDX Tech’s on-line ticketing system which is custom configured to our customer’s environment, priority requirements, and reporting demands. TDX Tech deploys technicians to perform maintenance and IMAC activities for customer’s phone system, telephone lines, circuit/network, cabling, POS, PC’s, network equipment, wireless network, and surveillance system. TDX Tech also ensures that required cabling materials meeting customer standards are procured and lift rentals scheduled in advance.

TDX Tech and our Customer utilize the capabilities of our proprietary web-based software solution, WebTrax, to track technician real-time deployment notes, maintenance pictures, and signed service work orders for every store visit. The WebTrax work orders also provide our customer 24x7 access to general scheduling information, such as scheduled service date, time and technician name.

Upon completion of the service ticket, TDX Tech updates the proper resolution status and notifies our customer via email that the incident has been resolved. Additionally, monthly reporting is generated and distributed to our customer that reports the following:

  • Trend analysis
  • Total number of calls for the month by priority
  • Resolution-time percentages by priority
  • Non-compliant calls by priority

For more than 10 years, our customer has known they can rely on TDX Tech to provide same day resolution of critical in-store infrastructure issues. Our customer also takes advantage of the monthly and year-to-date trend analysis reports to address issues that continue to cause repeat incidents.

5 K
Locations Serviced
10 K+
Years of IT Support
We'd love to help you Do IT Smarter – reach out today to discuss your technology deployment projects or IT installation and hardware needs. Call us at 888-777-0532, or click the "Contact Us" button, below.
Art and Crafts Retailer
Project Scope
Project Industry: Retail
Project Geography: USA
Project Location Qty: 501-1,000
Project Device/Unit Qty: 1,001-5000
Project Competencies:

  • Project Management
  • Hardware Procurement
  • Integration & Staging
  • Hardware Deployment
  • Technician Deployment
  • IT Installation Services
  • IMAC (Install, Move, Add, Change)
  • On-site/Field Services
  • Hardware Maintenance
  • Depot Repair Services
  • Recent Retail IT Support
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