Self Checkout Solutions


"Bring Your Own POS" Self Checkout Solution

Why are self checkout solutions so popular? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? These are all common questions we hear when retailers are considering bringing the technology into their stores and as they plan for self-service checkout installations and national hardware roll-outs.

Bring Your Own POS Self-Checkout SCOSo, What’s Driving Self-Service Checkouts?

While there’s an exhaustive list of benefits and advantages to self-service checkouts and what’s driving retailers to install the technology, here are the highlights:

  • Self-service checkouts mitigate labor shortages and turnover
  • Cashiers can be repurposed to help customers on the sales floor
  • Consumers have become comfortable with the technology and hardware
  • Many customers now expect and prefer self-service checkouts
  • Self checkout systems are providing exceptional return-on-investment (ROI)

Are There Drawbacks to SCO Systems?

As with any technology, there are downsides to on-boarding new technology. The most common for self checkouts are the following:

  • Initial self-service checkout installation costs can be quite high
  • Without supervision or surveillance systems, risk for theft is increased
  • Some customers do not prefer self-service checkouts

Save Up to 44% with BYOPOS

TDX Tech has pioneered and brought “Bring Your Own POS” self checkout solutions to retailers who need an affordable SCO system, while allowing the retention of existing POS technology. Our systems are designed to accept your existing POS hardware, while offering the same features as conventional systems, including:

  • Secure POS cabinet bay
  • Integrated display and scanner mounts
  • Built-in bagging and storage areas
  • Merchandising fixture options
  • Integrated PVM and surveillance

View the self checkout installation video on YouTube

Get Your Self Checkout Solution Designed, Deployed, and Installed

Want to ensure that your self-service project and installation dollars are being maximized to their fullest?

TDX Tech, acting as your self-service checkout project partner, can help you design your turn-key SCO solution, complete with engineering, hardware-staging, deployment and installation, and complete with follow-up support and services.

Tip: Did you know that “self-checkouts” are also known as “assisted checkouts” (ACOs) or “self-service checkouts?”

We'd love to help you Do IT Smarter – reach out today to discuss your technology deployment projects or IT installation and hardware needs. Call us at 888-777-0532, or click the "Contact Us" button, below.
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Want to Save up to 44% on Your Self Checkout Solution?

Complete the form below to inquire about TDX Tech’s self checkout solutions, or related staging, deployment, and self checkout installations.

If you would like immediate assistance, please call TDX Tech at 888-777-0532.


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Seeing and hearing is the easiest way to learn how TDX Tech helps our customers meet their technology needs. Click the video play button above to see what our technology and project teams can do for you.

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